The Seven Mountains of Influence

The Seven Mountains of Societal Influence

In all of our programs, we desire to see God’s transformation in every mountain of the society. When Jesus talked about the kingdom of God, He described an upside-down world, a transformed world.

What would a world like that look like today?

In World Shine Ministries, we talk about Seven dimensions of societal transformation. We call these MOUNTAINS. Our many programs influence the mountains in a variety of ways.

God’s purpose for the mountain of religion is the extension of mercy and the promotion of reconciliation between those who have had relationships broken; horizontally between human beings, and vertically between humans and God. Competing religious worldviews contend for the hearts and minds of men and women everywhere. Without falling into a contentious spirit, we are to enter this marketplace of religious ideas and clearly display why the gospel of Christ is unique. In fact, the gospel is the only means of enduring grace, for it alone makes lasting reconciliation possible.

This and every mountain is created by God. He was the one who had the idea of family and framed its constituent parts. His purpose for this mountain is that through it life might be multiplied and God-given destiny for every individual may be established. We are aware that the enemy is contending against families all over the world. Broken relationships, abuse, a loss of identity and value, a sense of abandonment and an orphan spirit, communication break downs, rebellion, immorality and accusation are just some of the things that war against the families of the earth. God wants us to engage with families, to serve and strengthen them, to see his purposes of life and destiny restored in them and through them to an emerging generation.

God’s purpose is that the educational mountain is designed to be a means of discipleship and multiplication. The purpose of discipleship is the transformation of the student rather than the transacting of knowledge. We see all students being equipped to discover their God-given destiny and be equipped for fruitfulness within the call of God on their lives.” With this perspective education becomes a means of developing a Biblical Christian Worldview where Jesus is the model and the Bible is the foundation of the education process. To be Biblical it should occur in a family-based context for it is the family that carries the primary authority and responsibility for the education of children.

God has appointed government in order to safeguard justice and defend peace within the nation. Rulers exercise delegated authority in order to serve the citizens whom they govern. The “Law of the King” found in Deuteronomy 17:14-21 warns those in authority against multiplying horses, wives, and gold. These three represented a lack of self-control in areas of power, sex and money, leading the ruler into a life-style of authoritarianism, hedonism and materialism. God’s alternative to these three unrighteous value systems is servanthood, purity and generosity. But since we are aware that our civic leaders are often pressed to compromise in these areas, we must pray and work to see every form of greed, injustice and corruption end, and God’s kingdom principles established in our nations. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD” (Psalm 33:12). We need to work so that every nation on earth might know this blessing.

God’s purpose for the mountain of media is the transfer of wisdom and the promotion of healthy relationships. Proverbs is full of pithy axioms which emphasize the power of communication to do good or to do ill. For example, “Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing” (Proverbs 12:18); or “The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit” (Proverbs 15:4); for “The tongue has the power of life and death” (Proverbs 18:21). There is great power not only in what is said but in how it is said. In the midst of the contemporary communication revolution with new technologies emerging one after another we have more and more capacity to communicate. But what are we communicating? Is it bringing life or death? Is it enhancing wisdom or promoting folly? Is it building up godly relationships or tearing them down? We must enter into this arena as followers of Jesus to use every tool available: print and broadcast media, films and the internet, new social media as well as more traditional media to advance the kingdom of God.

God’s purposes for the mountain of arts and entertainment is to strengthen hope and build community. We read in the Scriptures that “Jubal… was the father of all who play the harp and flute” (Genesis 4:21). Ever since then, balladeers and artists have used their skills to entertain people and speak to the heart of their culture. In the Bible, these artistic gifts are often identified with the role of the Prophetic Ministry. When the ideas of God are embedded in story form, the truth resonates with both heart and mind, maximizing the potential impact in the life of those who are drawn into the story. Thus the arts allow truth to touch the senses, inform the mind, engage the emotions, challenge the will, and change the life. It allows for a holistic presentation of truth that engages the whole person in a transforming way. At the same time, story has the power to create identity and community. As individuals identify with a common story they are drawn together into one body with one purpose. Stories of God’s work in the past build hope for the future. They become a means of inspiration, giving strength and courage to face the ever present challenges of life’s journey.

God’s purpose for the mountain of business is to release provision and model stewardship. The mountain of business is launched with the creative inventions of science and technology. It is then propelled forward by the distributive capacity of the economic enterprise, which produces, markets and sells those inventions. Both the research and the productive aspects of this mountain are evident in God’s vocational assignments to Adam in the Garden of Eden prior to the fall. God tasked Adam with two jobs. One was a scientific endeavor, giving the appropriate nomenclature to every living creature (Genesis 2:19-20). The other involved an agricultural task, stewarding the fruitful productivity of the garden (Genesis 2:15).